Fit Girl’s Meal Plan

Goodbye Restriction.

Hello Delicious, Sustainable Weight Loss

Ditch the restrictive diets and try the Fit Girl’s Meal Plan for real, long-term results. It’s so easy to follow.

Some of the brands I’ve collaborated with

Just some of the brands I’ve collaborated with

My Girls LOVE it!

28 days of tasty fat-burning meals

Unique, healthy and delicious meals, proven to give you real, long-term results.
You get:

  • 4 weeks of healthy food
  • 100+ recipes
  • 4 meals a day
  • 4 shopping lists
  • Instant-download PDF
  • Access to my private email

for only $50 $39

Lose weight & get fit while eating delicious meals

Finding a meal plan that works is hard

Finding a sustainable meal plan, is even harder.
With so many toxic diet trends nowadays, promoting restriction and starvation, it’s almost impossible to find a meal plan you can stick to for more than a week.

I’ve been there, I’ve tried them. That’s why I created the FIT GIRL’S MEAL PLAN! You can lose weight and get fit by eating delicious foods you actually enjoy.

The most affordable meal plan EVER

$50 $39

Is the meal plan suitable for vegetarians and vegans?

This meal plan is not vegetarian or vegan.

However, it is plant based friendly, since it’s loaded with plant based foods each day. There are also days that are completely plant based.

In the start up guide of the meal plan, I’ve made a formula to easily swap foods you don’t like, so you can swap all the meat sources with tofu, or any other plant based protein you like better.

How long does it take to prepare these meals?

All meals are fast and easy to make.
It usually takes from 5 to 20 minutes to get them ready.

What is included in this meal plan?

By purchasing the meal plan you’re getting:

  • An instant download PDF file you can download on your device or print out;
  • 4 weeks of healthy meals – over 100 unique recipes;
  • 4 recipes a day – breakfast, lunch, meal and snacks;
  • 4 shopping lists – one for each week, to make shopping easier;
  • Start up guide, on how to swap foods you don’t like, when to eat your meals and so much more;
  • Access to my private email for support.
What are the things you need to know before purchasing it?

You will not get a hard copy – this is an instant download PDF file only, that you can use on any device, or print out.

How is this meal plan different from other ones?

Most diets are restrictive, promote starvation, and bore you with numbers such as counting calories and grams of food. With these kinds of plans, you may lose weight, but once you finish the diet, you’ll gain it all back.

Well, this meal plan is nothing like that! You’re going to eat a lot of foods that are not only healthy, but also super delicious and fun. You’re going to love the foods you eat, and following this meal plan will not feel like a diet at all. Also, I made a formula to easily swap foods you don’t like, so you’ll never have to eat anything you don’t like. You will lose weight, without the yo-yo effect.


Who is this meal plan for?

This meal plan is for anyone that wants to lose weight, get fit, or just wants to eat healthier and learn a bunch of new healthy delicious recipes.

What are the benefits of this meal plan?

There are so many benefits from following this meal plan, and here are just some of them:

  • lose weight;
  • get healthier;
  • speed up your metabolism;
  • boost immune system;
  • build muscles;
  • fall in love with healthy food;
  • learn tons of healthy recipes;
  • save money and time;
  • learn so much about healthy food;
  • lose weight permanently.