“Best FULL AB WORKOUT At Home – 20 Min Abs Exercises For Women” – Monica May


Girls, we are doing ABS today!

This workout I have for you today is going to set your abs ON FIRE!

From upper abs exercises, to lower and side abs, we are targeting everything.

Just 20 minutes, with no equipment needed.

The things you need for this workout is a yoga mat and your beautiful self – nothing else.

Plus, I’m tossing in a few movements to spike your heart rate up and maximize the fat burn.

So, without further ado, let’s jump right into the best full ab workout at home!



I packed my 20 minute best full ab workout at home, in a follow along video on YouTube! 

So, if you are ready for your workout, put your leggings on and let’s go!!!

However, if you are interested to learn more, we are diving into the details and the exercises on e by one.


The Rules

Here are some important notes you have to make sure to follow in order to get the most out of the workout, and make sure to avoid injuries.

  • Move slow and controlled.
    It’s not about how fast you move, or how many reps you’ve done.
    What’s far more important is feeling the movement and getting quality reps.
  • Take the time to warm up.
  • Modify the workout by doing the beginners movements.
    I haven’t added beginner movements to the video, because to be honest, I’m editing the videos myself and am really a beginner, so I hope you understand.
    However, here on my blog, I’ll go more in details about how to modify the workout for your fitness level.
  • You can pick up a weight while doing these exercises.
    If you feel like you have it in you, you can absolutely pick up some weights and add them to your workout.
  • The exercises are preformed at a 30:10 interval.
    This means for every 30 seconds of work we rest for 10 seconds.
  • This is not a full body workout routine.
    This is core focused workout, and it’s not a routine that can get you serious results in terms of othr body parts.
    For more, visit my workout program RADIATE.
  • Abs are made in the kitchen.
    So, make sure to eat healthy if you are looking for long term results.
    Check out my BBB Meal Plan for more info.

Now let’s head on to the exercises one by one…


The Exercises

In my full ab workout, there are 10 different abs exercises targeting different parts of the core.

They are carefully crafted and packed to keep pushing your abs to the limits throughout the 20 minutes.

STARTING EXERCISE: Fire Feet Sprawls 60 seconds


This is obviously not an isolated core exercise, however, this one will make sure to spike your heart rate up through the roof, and get you into that fat burning zone asap.

On the sprawl, make sure to keep your back straight, and don’t let your hips sink down.

1. Bent Knee Crunches


The first exercise is the Bent Knee Crunches.

What’s important here is to keep your knees at a 90 degree angle, and your fingertips should be touching at the peak of the movement.

MODIFIED: Eliminate reaching your fingertips, just go up and down.

2. V Ups


The second exercise is my favorite one, the V-Ups.

This is one of the best full ab workouts.

You should make sure to always keep your back straight, and your legs as straight as you can.

Also, focus on initiating the movement from your core.

MODIFIED: Do single leg v-ups – go one leg at a time.

3. Side Plank Crunches (right)


Side Plank Crunches is the next one.

You should focus here on keeping your hips up and core tight throughout the whole movement.

We are doing both sides for 30 seconds each.

MODIFIED: If you are losing your balance, set both feet on the floor, one in front of the other.

4. Knees To Chest


Knees To Chest is another amazing movement that really engages the lower abs.

Focus on keeping your back straight, and if you can, your hands should be in front of you, or off the floor.

MODIFIED: Place your hands on the floor behind you.

5. Side Plank Crunches (left)

After Knees to chest we’re doing the other side of the side plank crunches.

6. Monster Sit Ups

upper ab exercises

Monster sit ups is one of my favorite upper ab exercises.

In my training sessions I usually grab a weight in my hands while doing this exercise.

Now, the most important thing here is to go straight up – not anchor yourself to the front.

We are not siting up, we are not crunching, we are just going up and down.

MODIFIED: Move slower.

7. Half Moons

lower ab exercises

Half Moons is an amazing exercise and an alternative to the Russian Twists.

However, this one also engages the lower abs, while tackling the obliques too.

You should keep your back straight, your legs as straight as you can and your hands in front of you.

MODIFIED: Put your hands on the floor behind you to support your back.

8. Kick Ups

full abs exercises

Kick Ups is an amazing complex movement working on your whole core.

What you should focus on here is initiating the movement from the core, and kicking straight up.

Try to move as controlled, while keeping your head on the floor to engage the lower abs.

MODIFIED: Eliminate the kick up, just go in and up, without lifting your butt of the floor.

9. Knee Hugs

upper ab exercises

I love this variation of sit ups.

What you should focus on is going explosively up, and slowing it on the way down.

That way you’ll make sure to engage your core both ways.

10. Plank Hold

best full ab workout at home

And last, a 30 second plank, to really push those abs to their max.

What you should focus on is keeping your back straight, hips up and core tight.

Keep nice and still.

MODIFIED: There is really not a way to make the plank easier than it is. However if it’s too hard for you, or impossible to go through, do the plank from your knees.


Now Head On To Try Out The Best Full Ab Workout At Home

I really hope you like the exercises!

Now head on to try them out:

On YouTube you can try out my full abs workout packed in a 20 minute video, with warm up included!

Plus, some motivating music, to get you through the workout with some great energy!

Check out my 5 min ab finisher workout, if you’re looking for a fast way to target those abs!


Don’t forget to check out my meal plan, because nutrition is one of the most important things when it comes to getting any muscle strong, especially when it comes to abs.

Also, make sure to subscribe to my channel, to always be the first one to get my new videos!

You can find out more about how to get abs in my article 12 Reasons Why Your Abs Aren’t Showing Yet – How To Get Abs Showing And Lose Belly Fat Fast?

Till next time, babes!


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