“20 Min INTENSE DUMBBELL SHOULDER WORKOUT At Home (follow along video)” – Monica May


Shoulders, ladies!
We’re doing shoulders today!

Are you ready to get those sculpt shoulders you’ve always wanted?

This 20 minute intense dumbbells shoulder workout I have for you today, will help you build some serious muscles and get thicker 3D shoulders.

Our shoulders are getting on fire today!

I packed the 6 best shoulder exercises,  plus a proper warm up and activation workout, to make sure the exercises are burning in all the right places.

These are the exact same exercises I do to get sculpt shoulders.

We’re hitting shoulders at all angles, aaaaand we’re starting off right now!



Follow Along Video


You Are Going To Need

To perform this workout, you’ll need one pair of heavy dumbbells.

Just for reference, I am using 2 x 17 pound dumbbells (that’s 7.5kg).
However, feel free to grab whatever works for you best.

Also, you’re going to need a mini band (a.k.a. a booty band) for the warm up part.

Pick out a resistance that works for you best.
If you don’t have a booty band, just skip this part.


The Rules

Here are some important notes you have to make sure to follow in order to get the most out of the workout, and make sure to avoid injuries.

  • Lift slow and controlled.
    The shoulder exercises should NOT involve rocking or momentum from the body (except for the snatches).
  • Keep your knees soft, hips back and your chest out throughout the whole movement, to prevent injuries.
  • Keep your core and hips tight to help you make strict moves.
    Pick up weights that work best for you.
  • Keep the focus on the quality of each rep, not the quantity.
    Don’t rush through the movements, make sure to get quality reps instead.
  • The exercises are preformed at a 20:10 interval.
    This means for every 20 seconds of work we rest for 10 seconds.
    Each exercise is performed in 3 sets.


The Exercises

Here are the exercises….

  1. Arnold Press      20s x 3

  2. High Pulls      20s x 3

  3. Wide Press      20s x 3
    the best shoulder exercises for mass

  4. Front To Lat Raise      20s x 3
    best shoulder workout for mass

  5. Shoulder Circles      20s x 3
    shoulder workout at home

  6. Snatches      20s x 3
    shoulder workout with dumbbells at home

Warm Up

But, before we start, we’re doing a 5 minute warm-up to warm those shoulders up.

Ladies, please, never ever skip your warm up, because that’s how we make sure to avoid injuries.

Also, in this workout, I’ve added an activation exercise using a band.

But, if you don’t have a band, just skip this part.

  • Band Pull Aparts      60s x 2 (activation movement)


And lastly, we’re doing 2 finishers.

We’re holding a plan plank in two variations.

  1. Plank Hold      60s

  2. Low Plank Hold      60s
    shoulder workout with dumbbells at home


Is This A Full Body Workout Routine?

No, it’s not.

This is just a great way to target your shoulders and help them grow stronger.

However, if you want to get fit overall, you’ll have to work on your body as a whole piece.

If you liked this workout and you’re interested in starting a workout program of this kind, make sure to check out my RADIATE Workout Program.

Are You Ready?!

Now head on to try out my 20 minute intense dumbbells shoulder workout at home, or at the gym (whatever you prefer). 


These 6 shoulder exercises will set your shoulders on fire!

In my opinion, they are the best shoulder exercises for mass.

I do them every time I want to tackle my shoulders and they work so good.

These are the exact same exercises I do to get sculpt shoulders.

Other than doing this dumbbell shoulder workout for the looks, having well-developed shoulders is crucial for an overall healthy physique.

Strong shoulders will prevent injuries, and make most arm movements easier.

If your shoulders are weak, you’re going to have difficulty when preforming chest and back exercises too.

So, ladies, don’t underestimate the power of the shoulders, grab a pair of dumbbells and start working!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, to be the first one to get my next workouts!

I’m posting every week now!

Till next time, babes!


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